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Admission to NFC
From the moment you step onto the North Florida College campus, you will find faculty, staff and administrators ready to help you reach the goals you have set for your future.
Which Type of Student Are You?

Registered Students: Request Certification Here (log in using your MyNFC credentials)
Veterans and dependents of veterans eligible for educational benefits must be approved by the VA Regional Office. Upon approval, benefits may take up to 90 days to be received. For VA application forms, certification of attendance, and assistance with problems, students may contact in the Office of Enrollment Services. Veterans and those eligible for VA benefits must contact a Veteran's Affairs Specialist each term during the academic advisement period to review their status. Veterans with disabilities are encouraged to work with a Veterans' Affairs Specialist and the Disability Resource Center to coordinate accommodations.

Transfer to a University
Florida has a “2+2” articulation system. Students who earn an Associate in Arts degree from one of Florida’s other community colleges are guaranteed admission to one of the 12 state universities.*
- Students who hold an A.A. degree from a Florida community college will be awarded at least 60 credit hours toward the bachelor’s degree, thus protecting the credits they earned during their freshman and sophomore years at the community college.
- Community college students who transfer to a state university before earning an A.A. degree do not have all the guarantees provided by the articulation agreements and may be denied admission or lose credit when transferring. In most cases, students who transfer without an A.A. degree will have to meet freshman admission standards.
Paying for NFC
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- High school students wishing to dual enroll should review the Dual Enrollment page and contact the Office of Dual Enrollment.
- Read the Notification of Social Security Number Collection and Use
- Submit Application for Admission online or with paper form. (First time applicants, including former high school dual enrolled students, pay $20 non-refundable application fee when application is submitted. BSN applicants pay $30 non-refundable application fee.)
- Submit Residency Declaration Form and supporting documents
- Request all prior college transcripts. Request your high school/GED transcript (unless you already earned an associates or higher degree).
- Review the NFC Enrollment Checklist
- Watch your email for instructions to set up your MyNFC student account and review your holds
The admission requirements for the following programs vary slightly from the steps listed above. Some programs have additional program applications or requirements and deadlines that must be met.
- Admissions Steps: If you are taking classes for personal enrichment, non-credit, and not seeking a degree or certificate, you do not need to request your high school or college transcripts.
- Child Care Center Director, Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC), or Florida Child Care Professional Certiciate (FCCPC): Complete all steps in the General section above except note the following regarding transcripts. Students seeking the Child Care Center Director, Early Childhood Professional Certificate, and/or FCCPC certificates must request their high school/GED transcript. We recommend that you also request all prior college transcripts. (Students taking classes toward the AA degree or a CCC certificate must request all transcripts as noted in the General section above.) Review the program information page and contact an advisor to determine the best classes for your goals.
- Commercial Vehicle Driver (CDL): Complete all steps in the General section above except no transcripts are required. A high school diploma is not required for the CDL program. Review the program information page for deadlines, orientation dates, and advisor contact.
- Emergency Medical Services: EMT or Paramedic: Complete all steps in General section above. Review program information page for program application, deadlines, and advisor contact.
- Public Safety: Corrections or Law Enforcement:
- Review program information page and contact the Public Safety Academy
- Take and pass the CJBAT exam
- Complete all steps in General section above
- Registered Nursing, LPN to RN Bridge, or Practical Nursing: Complete all steps in the General section above. Review program information page for deadlines, prerequisite requirements, and advisor contact.
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing:
- Complete all steps in the General section above except note the following.
- A $30 application fee is due each time you apply.
- Request your official high school transcript only if using it to prove foreign language completed.
- Request all of your official college transcripts.
- Review program information page for deadlines, prerequisites, and advisor contact
Economic Security Report of Employment and Earning Outcomes
Pursuant to section (s.) 1001.02(2)(w), Florida Statutes (F.S.), Florida College System (FCS) institutions, prior to registration, are required to provide each student with electronic access to the economic security report of employment and earning outcomes prepared by the Department of Commerce. This report focuses on the median first-year earnings of recent graduates and completers from Florida’s public postsecondary educational institutions, in accordance with s. 445.07, F.S.
Contact NFC Admissions Office 850-973-1622 | 850-973-9405 | 866-937-6322 |