Rights and Responsibities

Student Rights

Students with disabilities can expect:

  • The right to participate equally in and benefit from any courses or activities offered that the student would be otherwise eligible for to the full extent possible with consideration to program and activity integrity.
  • The right to be treated as an individual with respect for his/her own ability to make decisions.
  • The right to have access to accommodations and services that equalize his/her educational experience.
  • The right to access to all information pertinent to educational decisions including but not limited to catalogs, class schedules, handbooks, personal records, and personnel to answer questions.
  • The right to expect that all legal rights of the student will be protected.
  • The right to utilize a grievance procedure if dissatisfied with services provided by the Disability Resource Center.

Student Responsibilities

Students working with Office of DRC are expected:

  • To satisfy all obligations (which are not barriers due to disability) that other students have to meet in order to maintain institutional academic and vocational standards.
  • To self identify as an individual with a disability. All disclosures are voluntary but are required if accommodations are desired.
  • To request accommodations prior to the beginning of each term and make use of said accommodations.
  • To report any difficulties with accommodations in a timely manner so the problem can be resolved.
  • To follow all published policies and procedures associated with NFC and the Disability Resource Center.
  • To request assistance in courses and training in self-advocacy if needed.
  • To self advocate with any school, federal, state, and private entities to ensure that services and funding are provided appropriately.

Disability Resource Center | 850-973-9403 (V) | 850-973-1611 (TTY) | Contact DRC

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