Contact Us
Directory of Employees
North Florida College
325 NW Turner Davis Dr. Madison, FL 32340
850-973-2288 or 866-937-6322
Last |
First |
Title |
Phone 850- |
Adams |
Julie |
Advisor |
973-9450 |
Akers |
Larry |
Director of Campus Safety |
973-9477 |
Alrestimawi |
Hasin |
Maintenance Specialist II |
973-9444 |
Andrews |
Chris |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Andrews |
Heather |
OPS - Criminal Justice Secretary |
Ansiello |
Remy |
Adjunct - Humanities |
Bell |
Ashley |
RN Instructor |
973-1735 |
Bell |
Denise |
Coordinator of Student Activities & Student Center/Equity Coordinator |
973-9481 |
Bell |
Patricia |
OPS - Housekeeping Supervisor |
Bennett |
Rebecca |
Coordinator of Recruitment |
973-9407 |
Bivens |
Gwen |
Testing & Records/Student Activities Assistant |
973-9465 |
Boatman |
Delvin |
Academic Advisor |
973-9436 |
Brandies |
Jean |
Coordinator of Data and Reports |
973-1664 |
Brock |
Jamen |
Coordinator of Library Services |
973-9411 |
Brown |
Michelle |
Nursing Instructor |
973-9494 |
Bryce |
Glenn |
Mathematics Instructor |
973-1676 |
Burkart, P.h.D |
Carol |
Biology Instructor |
973-1687 | |
Burnett |
Cindy |
Coordinator of Technology and Support Services |
973-1672 |
Byrd |
Riley |
Staff Assistant-CRMJS |
973-1617 |
Callaway |
Denise |
Coordinator of Early Childhood Education |
973-9449 |
Carter |
Gabrielle |
Controller |
973-9486 |
Carter |
Juli |
Testing Center Manager |
973-9451 |
Cave |
Ron |
Adjunct - Social Sciences |
Cephus |
Jamin |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Churchwell |
Lauren |
Institutional Effectiveness Specialist |
973-9471 |
Clay |
Juanita |
Faculty - Vocational 11 Month |
973-9428 |
Collazo |
Rachel |
Executive Assistant to the President and Vice President |
973-1618 |
Collins |
Amanda |
Nursing Faculty-Vocational 11mth |
973-1659 |
Combass |
Gwen |
Imaging Specialist |
973-9489 |
Coody |
Tyler |
Executive Director of Employee Services |
973-9448 |
Craig |
John |
Adjunct - Biology |
Curry |
Kathy |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Davis |
Rick |
Director, Public Safety Academy |
973-9492 |
Davis |
Rusty |
Instructional Coordinator, Advanced/Specialized Training, Public Safety Academy |
973-9482 |
Dewey |
Jared |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Diaz |
Christian |
Adjunct - EMS-Paramedic |
Doughty |
Anna |
Biology Instructor |
973-1645 |
Driggers |
Stephanie |
Fitness Assistant Reg PT |
Dunkle |
David |
Associate Dean of Economic Development and Workforce Education |
973-9440 |
Dunnell |
Deidra |
Director of College Center in Perry |
223-3416 |
English |
Linda |
Coordinator of Physical Plant |
973-9445 |
English |
Robby |
Adjunct - EMS-Paramedic |
Eustace |
Bill |
Advanced Manufacturing & Production Technology Program Instructor |
973-1670 |
Everhart |
Jacob |
Maintenance Specialist 1 |
973-9444 |
Fagin |
Shante |
Career and Workforce Education Advisor | Recruitment, Advising & Retention |
973-1662 |
Finley |
Allison |
Director of Communications & Recruitment |
973-1613 |
Folsom |
Monica Kellow |
Foundation Office |
973-1671 |
Fralix |
Jessica |
Digital and Multimedia Specialist |
973-9406 |
Franklin |
Aaron |
Network Infrastructure Specialist |
973-9443 |
Freeman |
April |
Staff Assistant-Perry |
223-3417 |
Friend |
Evelyn "Evy" |
ASC Learning Specialist - Reading & Writing |
973-1719 |
Gamble |
Windy |
Director of Dual Enrollment |
973-9490 |
Gavagni |
John |
Adjunct - EMS-Paramedic |
Ginn |
Michelle |
Social Sciences Chair | Instructor of Sociology and Psychology |
973-1729 |
Givens |
Jason |
OPS - Housekeeping Supervisor |
Gonzales |
Elizabeth |
Coordinator of Academic Success Center |
973-1719 |
Gray |
Doyle |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Green |
Cheri |
Assoc. Director of Inst. Effectiveness |
973-1678 |
Green |
Robert |
Maintenance Worker |
973-9410 | |
Greene |
Willencia |
Admissions Specialist, Enrollment Services |
973-1612 | |
Grosskopf |
John |
NFC President |
973-1601 |
Hagan |
Donna |
Adjunct - Art | | |
Hagan |
Snowey |
Coordinator of Career and Transfer Center | | 973-1605 |
Hall |
William |
Adjunct - ENS-Paramedic | | |
Hallmark |
Madison |
Fiscal Asst. I Cashier | | 973-1610 |
Hamilton |
Shannon |
Commercial Vehicle Driving |
Hanna-Dixon |
Dr. Laura |
English Instructor |
973-1718 |
Harris |
Daniel |
Mathematics Instructor |
973-1649 |
Hasson |
Don |
Coordinator of CDL Program |
973-9454 |
Haynes |
Ashley |
RN Instructor |
973-9476 |
Hernandez |
Marco |
Maintenance Specialist 1 |
973-9444 |
Hicks |
Jay |
Adjunct - Music |
Hiers |
Karen |
Accommodations Specialist | Disability Resource Center |
973-9403 |
Hillengas |
Shawn |
Adjunct - EMS-Paramedic |
Hopkins |
Brandy |
Adjunct - BSN Instructor |
Horne |
Tammy |
Interim Assoc. Director of Computer Srvcs. |
973-9464 |
Hudson |
Elise |
Coordinator of Academic Affairs |
973-9402 |
Jackson |
Bennie |
Housekeeping |
973-9421 |
James |
Desiree |
Communications Specialist |
973-1653 |
Jones |
Alvin |
Adjunct - EMS-Paramedic |
Jones |
Karen |
Adjunct - Foreign Languages |
Karamihas |
Politimi |
Adjunct - Biology |
Kelley |
Dr. Anna |
Director of Nursing and Allied Health |
973-1789 |
Kelly |
David |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
King |
Tomica |
Adjunct - Early Childhood Education |
Kinsey |
Brianna |
Tutor Lab Manager |
973-9458 |
Kirkland |
Mike |
Director of Emergency Medical Services Programs |
973-1673 |
Lauth |
Jarrod |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice | | |
Lightfoot |
Brandy |
Financial Aid Specialist | | 973-1621 |
MacManus |
Leslie |
Adjunct - Biology |
Maily |
Joel |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Maresch Ph.D. |
Guenter |
Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics Instructor | Physical and Biological Sciences Department Chair |
973-1632 |
Mariappan Ph.D. |
Manoharan |
Chemistry Instructor |
973-1646 |
Markham |
Jessica |
Adjunct - Art |
Mauldin |
Mary F. |
Coord. of Dual Enrollment |
973-1628 |
Mays |
Dani |
Executive Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness |
973-1665 |
McClung |
Traci |
Resource Development Manager |
973-9416 |
McCullers |
Paula |
English Instructor |
973-1715 | |
McFadden |
Thomas |
Fiscal Assistant II - Purchasing |
973-1675 | |
McGuire |
Nichole |
Fiscal Assistant III/Payroll | Administrative Services |
973-1661 |
McNair |
JaKiera |
Career & Workforce Specialist |
973-9454 |
Mendoza |
Rosa |
Adjunct - RN |
Mesnard |
Tara |
Coordinator of Allied Health |
973-1626 | |
Miller |
Katie |
Library Technical Assistant |
973-9484 |
Molnar, Ph.D. |
Greg |
Biology Instructor |
973-1644 |
Moral |
Nancy |
ASC Learning Specialist - Math & Science |
973-1719 |
Morgan |
Ellie |
Director of Learning Resources |
973-9422 |
Morgan |
Karl |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Morgan |
Melanie |
Director of Student Engagement |
973-9434 |
Morris |
Bill |
Senior Network |
973-9495 |
Mullis |
Matthew |
Senior HVAC/Electrical Equipment Technician |
973-9444 |
Musgrove |
Wayne |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice | |
Myers |
Cynthia |
Nursing Faculty-Vocational 11mth | |
973-1633 |
Nelson |
Hansel |
Groundskeeper Supervisor | |
973-9444 |
Nuessle |
James |
HVAC/R Instructor | |
973-9478 |
Ocampo |
Leonel |
Adjunct - Commercial Vehicle Driving |
Page |
Jennifer |
VP of Academic/Student Affairs |
973-1603 |
Palomino, Ph.D. |
David |
Psychology Instructor |
973-9425 |
Parker |
Tina |
P/T EMS Instructor |
973-9493 |
Paulk |
Elias |
Speech, World Religion & History Instructor |
973-9413 |
Paulk, II |
David |
History, World Religion, & Philosophy Instructor |
973-9418 |
Peterson |
Zackery |
Administrative Asst.; Administrative Services |
973-9438 |
Pleas |
Shaknequa |
Adjunct - LPN-RN Bridge |
Pleasant |
Lori |
Registrar |
973-9469 |
Pollock |
Jackie |
Staff Assistant | Live Oak Location |
386-364-5440 |
Reeves |
Kelly |
Nursing Faculty-Vocational 11mth |
973-1788 |
Reichert |
Jhan |
Library Technical Assistant |
973-9485 |
Rice |
John |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Rice |
Kenzie |
Adjunct - EMS-Paramedic |
Ridley |
Darlene |
Adjunct - BSN Instructor |
Ring |
Hillary |
English Instructor | English and Communications Department Chair |
973-1641 |
Rodgers |
Micah |
Dean of Administrative Services/CFO |
973-1604 |
Roney |
Marquez |
Adjunct - RN |
Roundtree |
Patrick |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Rutherford |
Audra |
Adjunct - Social Science |
Scarboro |
Kim |
Coordinator of Career and Workforce Education |
973-9470 |
Scruggs |
Sharon |
Business and Accounting Technology Program Instructor | |
973-1619 |
Seiltgen |
Friedrich |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Siplin |
Faith |
Admissions and Records Specialist |
973-1622 |
Smith |
Cameron |
Academic Advisor |
973-9462 |
Smith |
Heather |
Coordinator of Employee Services |
973-9487 |
Snipes |
William |
Adjunct - Business |
Spence |
Katherine |
Nursing Instructor |
973-1633 |
Stevenson |
David |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice | |
Strickland |
Glenn |
Director of Physical Plant | |
973-1616 |
Taylor |
Terri |
Adjunct - BSN Instructor |
Taylor |
Phillip |
Department Chair: Mathematics / Mathematics Instructor |
973-1647 |
Terry |
Katie |
Graduation Specialist |
973-1620 |
Timana |
Edson |
Adjunct - Art |
Thompson |
Debbie |
Registration/Records Specialist |
973-9405 |
Thompson |
Lisa |
Art Instructor |
973-1642/9430 |
Thompson |
Tena |
Financial Aid Specialist |
973-9468 |
Thompson |
Wesley |
Maintenance Worker II | |
973-9444 |
Thornton |
Annette |
Coordinator of Fitness & Wellness |
973-1639 |
Tucker |
Tina |
Director of Live Oak Location |
386-364-5093 |
Turner |
Brooke |
Director of Financial Aid |
973-1674 |
Tuvell |
Kimberly |
Adjunct - Math |
Valentine |
Brienna |
Coordinator of Scholarships |
973-9417 |
Valentine |
Nicholas |
System Support Specialist |
973-1733 |
Vanderpal |
Geoffrey |
Adjunct - Computer Science Network | |
Vickers |
Wayne |
Maintenance Mechanic | |
973-9444 |
Watson |
Clayton |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Welch |
Jay |
Department Chair: History, Humanities, Fine Arts & Foreign Language / History Instructor |
973-9415 |
Wheeler |
Michelle |
Business Administration Instructor |
973-1637 |
Whitfield |
Heather |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Wilkerson |
Margaret |
Coordinator of Office of Communications |
973-9424 |
Wilkerson |
Philip |
Director of Advising, Retention, and Career Center |
973-9455 |
Williams |
Alton |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Williams |
Anthony |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Williams |
Sayna |
OPS - Housekeeping Services |
Willis |
Russel |
Adjunct - Criminal Justice |
Winters |
Kentrell |
Adjunct - EMS/Paramedic |
Wyche |
Lynn |
Associate Dean of Student Life |
973-9404 |
Young |
Johnny |
Instructor of Welding |
973-9478 |