Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the North Florida College (NFC) website. Your privacy is very important to us. Our policy is to collect no personal information about you when you visit our site unless you affirmatively choose to make such information available to us.

More Information

Privacy and Sharing of Personal Information

If you choose to share personal information, such as by subscribing to an e-newsletter, sending a message, or filling out an electronic form with personal information, the information will only be used for the purposes you authorized. Some of this information may be saved for a designated period of time in order to comply with Florida's archiving policies. However, personal information you affirmatively share will not be disclosed to third parties or other government agencies, unless required by Florida or federal law. If your personal information is required by law to be disclosed, we will undertake every effort to notify you in advance of the disclosure.

Mobile Terms of Service

When you visit NFC’s website, information on the date, time and pages you visited is gathered in addition to your Internet domain and IP address. The collection of this information does not result in the release or identification of your personal email address or other personal information. The information NFC gathers through website tracking and analytics is used as part of its remarketing efforts. When you visit other websites, you may see advertisements related to NFC. These advertisements are managed by third-party vendors who utilize the website analytics and cookies we collect to serve you advertisements based on your visit(s) to NFC’s website.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or have suggestions on how our policy can be improved, please feel free to e-mail us at, contact us by telephone at 850-973-9424, or write us at NFC Webmaster, 325 NW Turner Davis Drive, Madison, FL 32340.

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