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QEP Outcome: NFC will increase the student success of first-generation PELL students seeking an associate in arts degree, with success defined as 150% completion and subsequent transfer into a baccalaureate degree program.
The Career Compass Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) at North Florida College (NFC) aims to improve student success outcomes through various structured goals and assessments. This commitment is evidenced by the significant allocation of resources to support this plan. To ensure the plan is positively impacting the QEP goals, the College will assess the QEP using a very prescribed approach by identifying and evaluating multiple metrics. The goals discussed in this section are the initial goals for the plan and may evolve during each evaluation period.
This section of the Quality Enhancement Plan includes detailed information about the following:
I) Goals and Objectives
II) Assessment Timeline
III) Planned Adjustments
IV) Expanding Target Cohort Projections
V) Stakeholder Reporting and Oversight
The QEP focuses on six primary goals as outlined in the Focused Outcomes section of this report. These goals are aligned with NFC's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.
For this QEP, the term “goals” defines the six primary goals of the plan
- Focus2 Assessment
- Career Compass Plan
- Career Exploration Assignment
- Academic and Career Pathways Professional Development
- Increase in 150% Completion Rate for First-Generation PELL Recipients (FGP)
- Increase in Graduation and Transfer Rates for FGP Students
Furthermore, for this QEP the term “objective” uniquely identifies the methods of assessment, expected results, and the responsible evaluator for each goal listed above. Notice Goals 2 and 3 each contain two separate objectives.
Click here read the entire Quality Enhancement Plan.