Astronomy Laboratory
Students who are enrolled in the Astronomy class but want to have a more hands-on
experience and actually want to see celestial night sky objects with their own eyes
can sign up for the Astronomy Laboratory (AST 1002L). Selected course material covered
in class is studied in depth during the lab sessions. Once a week the lab students
meet, and weather permitting, observe the sky, process and analyze data, and document
their findings in a lab report. They will learn how to set up and operate different
types of telescopes. After taking this lab, each student will have long lasting memories
and some will never forget the feeling of smallness they had when they were looking
at nebulae or galaxies at distances which seem beyond comprehension.
Indoor Labs
- Angular Measurements
- Introduction to the Telescope
- Planetarium 1: Celestial Coordinate Systems
- Planetarium 2: The Seasons
- Astrophotography
- Atomic Spectroscopy
- Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
- Jupiter's Moons
- Radio Astronomy
Outdoor Labs
- Solar Observations
- Night Observations with the unaided eye and binoculars
- Tour through the Night Sky and the Constellations
- Advanced Night Observations
- Jupiter and its Moons
- Saturn
- The Moon
- Night Sky Observations using the NFC Observatory

Indoor Astronomy Lab, students perform atomic spectroscopy