NFC Hosts “Mini-Preview” for Hamilton County High School Students
MADISON, FL (December 15, 2022) – On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, North Florida College hosted a campus tour event
called a “Mini-Preview” for Hamilton County High School. Thirty HCHS juniors, seniors
and staff were in attendance. The walking tour which started at the NFC Public Safety
Academy led students to the Career and Workforce Education programs where several
instructors and professors provided students with hands-on learning experiences and
fun and informative presentations about the various career and academic programs Students
made their way to the Morris G. Steen Jr. Science building, the Colin P. Kelly Fitness
Center, and the Sentinel Shop. The tour finished at the NFC Student Center where the
tour groups enjoyed lunch at the Sentinel Café.
North Florida College hosts several Mini-Previews tours in the Fall and Spring semesters.
For more information contact: Rebecca Bennett, NFC Coordinator of Recruitment at
(850) 973-9407.