Disability Resource Center



The mission of the Office of Disability Resource Center (DRC) at North Florida College is to create an environment where all students (regardless of the existence of a disability) have equal educational opportunities.

Contact the DRC

DRC works with the students with disabilities to provide a variety of support services to empower students, foster independence, promote achievement of realistic career and educational goals, and assist students in discovering, developing and demonstrating their full potential. At the core of this partnership is a philosophy of respect for the student abilities, self-determination and independence. All services are provided to qualified students free of charge.

In addition to these services, the Disability Resource Center acts as a resource for faculty, administration, staff and community members on issues of disability and accommodation.

The Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides assistance to any qualified student with an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities or has a record of such impairment. (Americans with Disabilities Act, PL 101-336, 1990). This definition may include:

  • Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Persons with learning disabilities
  • Persons with mental or psychological disorders
  • Persons with mobility impairments or physical impediments
  • Persons who are blind or who have visually impairments
  • Persons with speech impediments
  • Persons with serious health issues such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, epilepsy, sickle cell anemia, tuberculosis, and/or heart disease.


Reasonable accommodations are individualized, flexible, and based on the nature of the documented disability and the academic environment. Some accommodations that the college provides to students with disabilities are:

  • Accessible Classroom – location and furniture
  • Testing Modifications
  • Assistive Technology and Alternative Format Learning Materials
  • Course Substitutions and Entrance/Exit Requirement Waivers
  • Sign Language/Oral Interpreters
  • Note taking services
  • Readers/Scribes
  • Others Identified Individually

NFC also offers the following services to qualified students with disabilities:

  • Tutoring
  • Individualized academic coaching
  • Educational planning and advising
  • Career advising

A student must provide documentation of a disability to be eligible for services. Disability as defined by civil rights law constitutes a mental or physical condition that results in significant impairment in one or more major life functions. Documentation must state your diagnosis and course of treatment, the nature and severity of your functional limitations, and the duration for which they are expected to continue. Documentation of a disability must substantiate the need for specific accommodations requested. Current documentation is required for services. You will meet with the DRC staff member, review the documentation and, if necessary, work together to find resources that may provide more current evaluations. The college has the discretion to require additional documentation. Pending the receipt of appropriate documentation, the college reserves the right to deny any accommodations. Records must be signed by the licensed professional evaluator.

Please note that IEPs and teacher testing is considered support documentation only and cannot be used solely to substantiate a disability.

Call the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 850-973-9403 (V), 850-973-1611 (TTY) for an appointment to complete your request for accommodations, review documentation and arrange the time and place for accommodations.


NFC complies with Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended and American with Disabilities Act as amended. Students must request testing accommodations and provide needed documentation before accommodations will be arranged. Accommodations for testing must be requested at least 14 days in advance. Students are encouraged to apply for admission and schedule a meeting with Student Disability Services before taking the placement tests. It will take time to review documentation, make a decision, and make arrangements for accommodations.

For placement tests, tests for external purposes and for people within two years of high school graduation, an IEP and accompanying testing can be accepted as appropriate documentation. An IEP is considered supporting documentation only for course accommodation.

Providing these accommodations does not obligate NFC to provide course accommodations but simply as a good faith showing for these prospective students. Upon admission, documentation within the standard guidelines will be required for accommodation provision. Students with disabilities are encouraged to be in contact with the Student Disability Services staff to further clarify issues of accommodations.

NFC does not provide students with disabilities with personal devices or assistance, including but not limited to wheelchairs, eye glasses, hearing aids, transportation, special classes, personal assistance for eating, dressing, or other personal services, readers for personal use, housing or financial assistance.

NFC is in compliance with the Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) ensuring the confidentiality of all student records. In addition, both the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act as amended require that confidentiality be maintained. Documentation of a disability is considered confidential and does not become part of the student academic transcript.

For More Information | 850-973-9403 | disabilityresourcecenter@nfc.edu | Disability Resource Center is located on the campus of North Florida College in Madison, Florida in Building 7, Room 711.

Accommodation Specialist
Karen Hiers
850-973-9403 (V)

850-973-1611 (TTY)
Disability Resource Center

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