Professional Development Procedure

Professional Development Procedure

North Florida College (NFC) Full Time Faculty are required to participate in professional development each semester.

  • The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs provides all faculty – full time and part time – multiple professional development opportunities each semester via email.
  • If faculty choose to participate in any professional development, he or she can record the information learned through a Microsoft form provided by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
  • Faculty may participate in online or off-site professional development opportunities. NFC provides funding each year to allow faculty the ability to participate in professional development as long as the information is supporting faculty in meeting NFC Strategic Plan goals and supporting NFC’s mission. 
    • o If faculty choose to travel for a professional development opportunity, he or she must have permission from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to attend. He or she must complete the necessary travel forms in advance and request leave through their department chair.  Forms must be submitted to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
  • Some professional development opportunities are required by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; however, most professional development opportunities can be chosen by individual faculty members or their department chair.
  • Each semester, NFC chooses one general education outcome to focus on institutionally: critical thinking, technology, communication, or diversity.
    • o The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs tasks all department chairs to find a professional development that is relevant to their department that focuses on the institutional wide general education outcome focus.